

Rules and Regs by Kané Dendou

1. Swear at your own discretion. 

Now I know what you're thinking. "What!! I can't swear on this website?!" And to you I say, "Do you even know what discretion means?"
Say what you want.
Whether you want to be hated or not due to your lack of filter or disregard of others is entirely depending on you.

2. Grammar.

Let me level with you here.
I know some of you are pretty damn good writers.
But we're going to have a time where we have a member who will type something that will make you question if they ever even went to school or not.
To that I say, just make sure your post is at Least 5 sentences.

3. Powerplay aka Bunnying.

This is a common mistake among Roleplayers.
Inflicting direct damage to something without their permission in a single post is Powerplay.
Punching someone and having them fall over is Powerplay.
Having another character react to something you said or did is Powerplay.
Basically controlling another character or NPC in reaction to your action is Powerplay.
Don't do it.

4. Godmodding.

We understand that every character on here will have their own case of protagonist syndrome.
With that said, even protagonists can be defeated.
One cannot simply rule out defeat to their character.
Also, one cannot have a character, just created, with high tier weaponry, armor, skills, knowledge, or be perfect in any way.
New characters are new.

5. Metagaming.

Everybody has done it at one point or another, whether or not on purpose.
What you know and what your character knows are separate things.
If you know another characters name and complete moveset, bio, etc, your character can't magically also have this knowledge.
Your character, most-likely cannot read thoughts either, so things said within another characters head cannot possibly be known to you.

6. Retconning.

Whatever happens between characters happens; they are not forgotten by your character.
If another character sees you beating up their mother, most likely it gonna cause a fight.
If the next day you act like it never happened, that is Retconning.
If a fight broke out in a normal roleplay environment, and the table you usually sit at ends up getting destroyed, that table is now destroyed.
It cannot be randomly untouched the next day.

7. Respect the Staff.

You're not babies and I won't treat you like one.
You cross the line and start to disrespect staff or even other members, you'll have the staff to deal with.
Punishments will vary on the severity.
If you're curious, make our day.

8. Omnipresence.

Basically, you can't be in two places at once.
You can't be taking a mission in the mountains while also trying to impress a girl back at the guild.
You can't be fighting a pack of wolves while also high as a kite on the roof.
You get the idea.

9. Interfering with the Plot. 

Alright, so this one is gonna be interesting.
So we have a formula we'll be using to determine how our plots will go.
Now, this means nothing you do can possibly change the course of the plot.
Why? Because characters are different, they won't always do what you think they'll do.
They're unpredictable.
So, with our plot formula, there's no need to worry about that.
Except, don't make your own plot and lore about areas you don't control.

10. Dice Rolls.

Dice rolls, the old DnD way. Now a few of you might be concerned about the different ways you can "cheat the system" with these Dice Rolls.
Well, give up.
The way the Dice Rolls are set up, there is no possible way to "cheat the system."
So even if you try, you'll fail.
IF you try, and I'll know if you tried, that will be an illegal move and Roleplay penalties will be put into action.
Play nice.

11. Character Creation.

Due to the previous rules mentioned above, we've decided that in order to keep the balance between the characters, we'll need to judge character sheets.
It gets ugly, I know.
There will be disagreements and sass expected but it's to keep a balance.
Sure, you want a Mary Sue who has knowledge of everything, can operate anything, can fight with anything, can speak to anything, can predetermine anything, can kill anything, can be anything, can create anything.
Well, they're going to have to start with little to nothing and work their way up to that.
Get to trainin boi!

12. Wait Your Turn.

In topics where several people are posting in, make sure you're courteous enough to let the post rotation rotate accordingly and NOT post when it is not your turn.
Be a mate and wait.
Stay in line and you'll be fine.
Wait your turn or you're gonna learn.
Don't be impatient and write a statement about your little situation bringing accusations to my station just to waste my time in this place and give me another reason for deletion for when reason steepens and we await the depletion and treason of freedom instead of the cohesion to deepen our legion.

13. Remember To Post.

In an active topic, remember that there are two days (48 hours) for each person to post. 
Although there is a post rotation police, it is YOUR responsibility to know when it is your turn.
If you fail to post twice, you will be removed from the topic.


Deleted: xD Sept 17, 2017 11:49:49 GMT -5
Imma: Current profile pic is only a placeholder Sept 17, 2017 21:54:21 GMT -5
Volnir Carnath: Kane confirmed died to the minotaur Sept 17, 2017 22:09:05 GMT -5
Rorschach: I mean, da boi is at like 100hp Sept 18, 2017 13:13:20 GMT -5
Kupaku: Estoy aqui. Nunca escribi algo aqui. No me hables. Sept 21, 2017 0:04:54 GMT -5
No. Hablaré contigo.
Sept 21, 2017 8:08:19 GMT -5
Kané Dendou: Cállate la boca. Sept 21, 2017 8:33:07 GMT -5
Imma: ... en serio? Sept 21, 2017 15:55:57 GMT -5
Xiza Kagami: boop! Oct 27, 2017 18:55:37 GMT -5
Rorschach: Boop. Oct 30, 2017 20:49:21 GMT -5
Deleted: Boop Nov 9, 2017 15:51:42 GMT -5
ETHEREAL: Boop Nov 9, 2017 16:29:22 GMT -5
Ket: Blep Nov 11, 2017 23:10:25 GMT -5
Darcierre: Blem Nov 12, 2017 10:55:43 GMT -5
Imma: Derp Nov 12, 2017 14:27:58 GMT -5
Xiza Kagami: PREVIEW MEME: I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
Nov 16, 2017 12:24:10 GMT -5
Xiza Kagami: McGronalds incoming Nov 16, 2017 12:24:58 GMT -5
Kupaku: YUGIOH! Duel Links released on Steam today if any of you are interested. It is free to play and you can transfer your accounts from your phones if you have them and use them both, I believe. Nov 17, 2017 21:56:11 GMT -5
Xiza Kagami: Klem Dec 15, 2017 15:23:20 GMT -5
Nid: tolling Jul 29, 2018 20:21:00 GMT -5
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